Beloved Marriage
By TiAndrine
"(You're) My World" was the first dance music Andrine and I chose for our viking wedding. It was perfect to get kick-off our life together on the fjord in Norway!
Now, if I can just learn to speak as beautifully to my wife as Joe Satriani communicates with his guitar solos on this album! :-)
It works-
By Raedoof
Bluesy, and at times, blues fushion that works. Another great album by Satch.
One of Satch's best! For the open-minded ONLY...Bluesy and stripped-down
By Rypdal
One of Satch's best! For the open-minded ONLY... Definitely not a typical shred-fest. Bluesy and stripped-down. This was actually a pretty bold album for Satch, a change of direction, and obviously (and unfortunately), not well received from SHRED fans craving for a few new "SUMMER SONGS". For those with open years, it's a great record, though. Tons of soulful playing, an a live-raw sound to it. The only 2 songs I truly don't dig is Killer Bee Bop and Look My Way. They sound forced. Manu Katche adds his usual finesse to his tracks. Nathan East supports well too, just more in the background. GET IT!
Joe is the most creative guitarist ever.
By Kennygotmail
All of these songs are beyond exellent . 100% more feeling than just using a drum machine.
By Evan7
Joe's a great guitarist. But this album is his "worst". Completely mediocre. Not a memorable song here.
Joe at his virtuosic best
By enos_u_dipstick
When I first picked up this CD upon its release back in '95, I wasn't sure what to make of it as it was such a departure from his previous material. But over the years it has become one of my favorites. I love the live, stripped-down feel of the album. Although Joe's long-time musical cohort Jeff Campitelli is a great drummer in his own right, I think that Manu Katche's drumming virtuosity really pushed Joe to higher highs on this one. Must-haves here are tracks 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 , and 11.
Sorely underrated
By rosabunda
I love this album. It is well recorded and really different Satriani -- not that I'm complaining about the better known Joe, but there is soulfulness here and great economy of feeling. Terrific support from the other players as well.
By bioshock76
This record has no energy. All the heavyness and driving force is gone. I guess you could call this bluesy which a heavy metal guitar player...doesnt suit me at all. Everything after this record is hit and miss...mostly miss.
a really great satch album
By nvilletele89
im a huge satch fan, owning all of his albums except super colossal, and i must say that this album is an amazing instrumental rock CD. he stays true to his blues roots, and experiemtns with many different kinds of songs. the catchy cool #9 is always good, but 'if' is probably my favorite song on the album b/c of the "the who" like rythm and lead it has after the intro. also definetly check out "(you're) my world". its a great mostly clean song, with an amazing clean blues-like solo that gives me chills each time i hear it b/c its just so amazing what he can do with only a few notes on the guitar. def worth buying the whole album.
By iTimbo1
...beat per beat, this one might just be Satch's best. Featuring more stripped-back production by Glyn Johns and some very interesting back-up musicians courtesy (for the most part) Eric Clapton's band, the sound has a hard, funkified 70's tinged edge to it. If you get the chance to check out the DVD or VHS-- basically a diary of the studio sessions-- do so.