Ended up being my favorite
By Dneiceyj
I absolutely hated this album when it was released. But after giving it some time (due to Until We Say Goodbye being so good that I would just put the disc in and let it roll), it became a favorite of mine. Years later, this is the only Satch album I keep,coming back to. I've bought it three times, and am contemplating getting it again. Just something about it. Great album.
Just love Devil's slide
By blazooks
Devil's slide is so cool
Toe tapping, head bobbing, smile inducing
By BigBiscuit
Give it time you dang fool! These songs grow on you, get in you, claw their way into the core of your mind and then...BAM! You get it. This is definitely Joe's most risky creation, but a big idea takes risk. Pays off in dividends!
Bravo!!! A must listen...
By MBCsugar
This release is BY FAR my favorite of all Satch's CD's! On first listen (like 'Strange...') the music seems a little "out there"; however, on a second, third, fourth, infinity listen I found myself CONSTANTLY migrating to this CD out of his collection (and I have them ALL). I've found that this and 'Crystal Planet' are best listened to in shuffle/tandem to appreciate what Joe was going for during this stage of his development (and all good musicians are constantly developing). TERRIFIC release!
By UMoe. Bisco
pop in the cd, roll down the windows and you're cruzin'! Great stuff here.
Best rock/electronic crossover album I've ever heard.
By DharmaLogos
Combine Satchmo's guitar virtuosity with electronic music by some producer I've never heard of, and you'll probably expect a monstrous, repetitive, shallow mess. This is not the case here. They somehow manage to work together really well as a songwriting team and write an entire album filled with excellent songs. One of Satchmo's best albums. You can't go wrong downloading any of the first 5 tracks on this album, but if I had to pick a single standout I'd say get Borg Sex.
bad cd
By Anakin Rocks!
this cd sucks. the only good thing on here is until we say goodbye. what a piece of junk. what was joe thinking?