the real deal!
By follower aka dani
won tickets off 91x to listen and meet them in this very studio! everything you hear on any cd is seriously all them without edits! the read deal! (with bill mneal..... little news radio tria there) LOVE EM right there up with DM!
By little drumerboy
These guy know how its done, GREAT VIDEO!!!
Switchfoot Rocks!!!! =D
By Brianisfoxy
I love switchfoot but there album isn't as good as i thought it would be but its still switchfoot so its AWESOME!!!! I would most definitly recomend it for everybody!
By mandypandy12345
this music video is pretty awesome!!! u get 2 c the whole band playing the song & the 2 bros jon & tim singing the chorus 2gether & its awesome!!!!!! i got it with the deluxe version & im so glad i bought that 1 instead of the normal version cuz this video is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By andrewmreviews
Great song and great vid...great album too!! Rock on Switchfoot!!!