Vice Verses.
By JosiahMagnet
I'll admit I didn't like this at first. But, like almost every band that changes their sound, I gave it a couple more listens and then I enjoyed it! Favorites: "The War Inside", "Selling the News", "Thrive", "Dark Horses", and "Rise Above It".
This album is an instant classic. It never loses its meaning and appeal. These guys continue to amaze me. I can't think of a band in this day and age that stands for truer values. They give people songs that provide hope in a world full of darkness. Always uplifting. I just can't say enough good things about the band.
Bless Their Hearts
By Sifc33_oner
So sad... Hello Hurricane is still the GOAT for SF
By ffflfpdpfpfpf
my favorite album from switchfoot
Love it!!!
By Gna96
I love switchfoot!!!!! :)
By 1XxJokerxX1
I have a lot of Switchfoots older albums from way back but hasn't heard any of their new stuff lately because I was told they had gotten awful. This album obviously proves all those haters wrong. Every song so far is awesome. Makes me want to get Hello Hurricane
Great Album !!
By YAYA!12
Great Album Afterlife and Dark Horses are awesome! Selling the news, Oringinal, Where I Belong and every other song on this album is amzing I think its one of there best albums
This is simply the best music ever
By Its👌
This is the best music on the face of the THEY'RE AMAZING!!!! BUY IT NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T
I love this album
By Gustav Anderson
Some songs aren't the best but they are still good and you can get something out of them but my favorites are restless and afterlife they are such a reminder to live for god
By Rob is better
I love this album. Thrive means so much to me in my life right now. It's a good message to a lot of people. Thank you