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Title Artist Time


  • Why the negativity ?

    By Disabledd American Vet
    Man we r lucky he is upright and still coming up w new words to hear. I sit here w a little phone trying to hear big sound and even what I heard I want more. How do I do that ? THX JB for making my life more livable. If you need a handle for me - call me Disabled American Vet !
  • It's Jimmy!

    By 24steve
    It's still Jimmy all the way. I like it!
  • Playin' for money

    By Professor Tony
    I've been a parrothead since the early 70's and own every single album ever pressed . This latest effort though is pure crap. Over-produced and under-thought commercial pablum for the faithful. Sorry Jimmy, but I miss the simple sounds from timeless classics like Havana Daydreamin' or West Nashville Ballroom gown.
  • An Collection of Keepers (and a few you'll throw back)

    By Michae1
    I'm guessing the unflattering reviews are from folks who only listened to the album once or twice. At first blush I was ready to dismiss it as unremarkable, but as more of its songs started popping up in my rotation I realized there are some great tracks here. Sure, one or two silly songs...but would it be a JB album without them? Think of them as a bonus because there are some really solid tracks here that I think will hold up over time. Definitely worth the money.
  • Jimmy Buffett Inc.

    By jmua04
    Jimmy is a shell of his old self and his music since around '94 has been all downhill. When I think of him now I think of a corporation--blenders, hotels, casinos, and other crap. adios JB.
  • Aww...

    By Gillispie99
    Sadly, the only song I liked was the first on the album. Love jimmy, don't like this album that much
  • Not sure what album some people are listening to...

    By Der Elf
    …or if they “get” Jimmy and his music. I buy most every JB CD that comes out, mostly ‘cause I like to know he’s out there doing what he does. So some of his albums are serious, some are silly but I have yet to find one that didn’t supply at least two songs that are added to my “permanent Boat Playlist” (Earl’s Dead does that for me on this one). This one passed the test and has been on “infinite repeat” for about two weeks. Thanks to you Cap’n Jimmy, wherever you are just now!
  • Worst yet

    By tomatoeworm
    I've been a Jimmy Buffett fan for years. It is time he retired. Can't sing and the songs are just not very good. To some of these fans Jimmy is a God and whatever he puts out is 5 stars. This is just not good at all. I give it a zero. Awful.
  • JIMMY!

    By JustMeAlex
    There is about 3 or 4 songs on this album that are just okay.. The rest of this album is awesome!! Shame on you so-called fans that gave this a bad review on the day it was released. See you in Paris on in September Jimmy, thanks for more awesome music.
  • Jimmy’s back!!

    By Totallrob
    Jimmy is back in his pure, traditional form. Hopefully we won’t see his country kick again and he will keep making music how he used to.