Worst Video Ever
By caribbean5
Sorry to say but I think JImmy has lost it. Huge fan and been to many of his places and have many of his videos, songs etc but this one really is bad. Don't like the politics He needs another hit. Sorry to see him go this way as it really hurts.
By lunamother
Thank you, Jimmy, for putting a song and a smile to an otherwise bleak situation. You're way too kind and funny to be mistaken for a Republican!
itunes preview stink
By Robert Bryce
title says it all
By Andy Buteyn
it is an amazing song that describes the current situation of the united states
alot to drink about out there!
By tropicsmon
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy,
Been following you since 1977 and been to over 70 shows my man, but you are losing me.
Stop the political crap. Just cause you are a billionaire and need not worry about the economy...most of us aren't. Don't try to influence me with this political crap! Yes Bush was an idiot but Obama is the anti-christ! After 26 year in the mititary I have a right to make up my own mind. Get back to writing your classic songs (which we haven't seen in quite awhile) and leave politics out of it.
The song was horrible by the way. We need more FRUITCAKES and Pirates Looking at 40!
Obama, Pelosi, and Reid ARE the TRUE 3 stooges!
too bad
By biggggfan
too bad he had to 'go there." My husband and I pay lots of $$$$$ to see him every year. We hope he doesn't talk politics in his music again!
A lot to drink about
By Paul1413
This is just 1 more thing to drink about!!
I don't want to be preached to.
I dropped so many artist , for the same thing.
I have followed your music from the beginning. Please don't turn into one of those who think we give a crap what you're politics are, & that you can save the world by telling us what we should believe.
Make a zillion dollars, & crap on your fans!!
By mermaidE22
I have loved Jimmy Buffett for a long time. HOWEVER; sadly he has crossed over to the dark side, mixing his music and POLITICS! Please Jimmy leave the politics at home and just bring the old Parrothead we know and love to the concerts, videos and cd's. I don't give a crap who ya voted for and I don't want to hear your political views. Just stick to what you do best, letting us all have our escape to Margaritaville for a few hours!
Political Garbage
By FedUpWithCelebrity
A long time Jimmy fan here, but why a political song??? I don't care care who you vote for or who you support... Entertain me, that's all I want... That's what I pay the big bucks to see your show and buy your stuff... Not to here the typical repetetive Bush/Cheney bashing the so called informed celebrities spew....... Come on Jimmy be better than that.....
Why Jimmy?
By Gator Guy
JImmy can't beleive this crap