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Title Artist Time


  • Put on The Glove

    By openingfield
    The Cure at their near best. Second only to "Disintegration" and maybe a few tracks off the "Japanese Whispers" rarity... Came about shortly after the time RS was touring with Siouxsie and recording "Hyaena," then going on to record "Blue Sunshine" with Severin as The Glove. For me, these three albums have long been a defining, though anomalously psychedelic, trilogy.
  • Unique

    By Whitetygrr
    As stated in the connect the dots collection this release even though under the cure was almost a solo effort with smith playing almost everything. This is probably why it has such a unique vibe from the others but that uniqueness is what makes this one of my personal favorites. It is almost like an acid trip with even the psychedelic look of the cover art. This I believe was released during a time when smith and the other band members at that time were still growing musically and finding their direction. This definately sounds very experimental, artsy and basically fun.
  • Weird is good

    By braedyn
    Easily the Cure's strangest offering, The Top is quite a satisfying listen. Shake Dog Shake is tragically overlooked, Bird Mad Girl has nice flamenco touches to it, and Catapillar Girl is bouncy fun without being too precious. This album was released when Smith was still experimenting with new sounds and structures, which had all but disappeared by the time KMx3 was foisted upon the world. Buy this with an open mind.
  • Great

    By Repaso
    I feel like this album is under rated. I personally love it. It's just so weird (good weird) and when I feel like listening to weird I go straight to this album. I love Piggy in the mirror, and Bananafishbones and the rest are great as well.
  • the top

    By coeruleo
    this has always been one of my favorite cure albums. it is so different than all the others. it's not the punk-pop sort of cure album, it's not the base driven sort of cure album, it's something else all its own. a real unique cure sound and feeling that you only get from this one album, and the various demos and b-sides that sprang from it. the energy is tense and urgent, and somehow tongue in cheek at the same time, with a twisted bluesy jazz vibe. imperfection at its finest. hearing the original demos and then how they evolve into the finished product really gives a fan a voyeuristic listen into the mind of robert smith.
  • Disintegration is the best album ever! BUT...

    By dhatch01
    The Top is raw Robert Smith and an album that should be in any Cure fanatic's library. My personal favorites are Shake Dog Shake and Give Me It, but Wailing Wall, Dressing Up, and Piggy in the Mirror are outstanding. I was thrilled to see this Deluxe version and that it included Happy the Man. I'd be afraid to listen to this album under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • The Top!

    By Ernesto424
    to be honest this is the cure greates album. it has some weaird vibe to it. twisty, turny, words i realy cant describe... the songs so greatly allign. from shake dog shake to the top. love it love the cure ! forever!