Must have for true fans
By Jay T Jedi
This album is a great work. Especially the song 'the top' it's "Jesus brilliant."
the seeds of a popular cure
By vkatnyte
after being a band for 4 albums-and though they had managed to create a scene and following up to this point- it was only a matter of time that MTV and a bigger play for radio time on a national level would emerge.. "Caterpillar". a great break out tune from this album, finally proved that they could put together a coherant and appealing song to sell albums.. that secret formula and production would bleed into their next 3 albums, certifying them instant classsics.
By bipolartrailfreak
you want dark..try PORNOGRAPHY
Forgotten Gem
By GuySF125
The Cure have had such a long span of styles in music and lyrics but this album is a solid effort even by today's standards, IMO. It experiments with sounds and pace in each song without being a total mash-up of unrelated material. There is that undergound band dirty feel but still a strong focus. I think it's a must for any Cure fan and I like a good song or two recommendation in a review so here are mine: Shake Dog Shake, The Caterpillar, and Bananafishbones.
By Repaso
Darkest album? Definitely not, pornography takes that title, but this album truly is great. Very under rated and I don't know why. It's very hard to describe the feel of it and the only way to describe this album is phycadelic. It's just weird and fun but I guarantee it's great.
By lenglish
I bought this record when it first came out, hated it. Listened to it 3 years later and fell in love. I guess I was a little slow to "get it". If you listen to this and don't like it, give it a few more chances.
Not to long, not to short.
By MrPibb23
This album is amazing from begining to end.
By Suckyour what?
This record if fantastic and good in its own way. the songs are wierd in a good way the best one i think is Birmadgirl
the must have Cure album
By erikboring
this was and is my favorite Cure album - psychedelia without all he hugs and rainbows
Interesting Reviews
By Telefunken
Very different opinions regarding this album. I do agree that it does seem a bit disjointed at times but I have to say I think it is one of the better Cure releases
(in MY humble opinion) and certainly one of my favorites. A little bit of everything as if blended at high speed and poured into the vinyl press. If perhaps with seeming disregard to some. While it may be a hodgepodge I certainly would not call it 'imperfect at best". as I feel there is not one weak song on this album.
And again as a side note- WHERE IS JAPANESE WHISPERS ITUNES!!???