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Title Artist Time


  • 0:17

    By Moronthanoff
    If you don't like it, you weren't there.
  • Classic Minimalism

    By skylab001
    Dark and sparse. Pure early 80's post punk.
  • Seventeen Seconds.. and then some more so I can play it again.

    By TellMeALie
    I LOVE this album. "A Forest" is definitely my favorite, by far. The songs are so well executed, and the first time I heard it, I didn't think it was from 1980. I love vintage music, (don't get me wrong, I'm obsessed with Maroon 5, but this just gives you that vibe.) and I'll do anything to find it. This album may be old, but music doesn't expire. All the songs are amazing, and if you like this kind of vintage, bass-and-guitar type songs, by all means, get it. You won't have any regrets.
  • Best cure album

    By Sweet t c j
    How to say one cure album is better than another?? I don't know. But I do know that I love the stripped down bare awesomeness of seventeen seconds. It is one of their best!!!
  • Seventeen Seconds of pure Cure.

    By AngelaAmaranth
    Gorgeous. Creepy. Eyeliner. Haunting. Soft beats. Beautiful. Aching. Wanting. More. The Cure. From aural landscapes of haunted houses to ancient forests, this album NEVER stops amazing.
  • 17 SeCondS

    By Ernesto424
    Wow this is one of the cure greatest album.(i think) All the songd are perfect in there own way. i just love the song three. something about it is just....ahhhhh! but any ways... i just love it!