Chapter V - Staind

Chapter V


  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Release Date: 2005-08-09
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2005 Atlantic Recording Corporation


Title Artist Time
Run Away Staind 3:39
Right Here Staind 4:13
Paper Jesus Staind 4:14
Schizophrenic Conversations Staind 4:32
Falling Staind 4:20
Cross to Bear Staind 3:40
Devil Staind 5:00
Please Staind 4:24
Everything Changes Staind 3:58
Take This Staind 4:42
King of All Excuses Staind 3:39
Reply Staind 4:12


  • Fr

    By the glase
  • Country

    By K_Burn
    Im a country music guy but i love this band.
  • Best record released by them!!!!

    If you're a Staind/Aaron Lewis fan and haven't heard this album, do yourself a favor and get it!
  • Another Great Chapter for Staind

    By Lutrina Lontra
    I'm surprised I haven't reviewed this yet. Anyhow, this is a great album to be part of Staind's collection. Dysfunction and Break The Cycle began their decent into heavy, emotional, powerful ballads that gave them their claim to fame. After a break to lighten up (just a little bit!) with 14 Shades, they throw Chapter V at us. Honestly, it would've probably been more fitting if Chapter V and 14 Shades had been released backwards in the chronology, but I'm not complaining. Why? Cuz this album returns listeners to what Staind is so phenomenal at: heart-wrenching emotion thanks to Aaron Lewis' incredible songwriting and singing and Mushok's crunchy and hammer guitar playing. My favorite tracks are Right Here, Schizophrenic Conversations, Devil, Please, and Everything Changes.
  • Lyrically Spectacular

    By 007 War
    As i know that this is not the edgy Staind that many of us have grown to love, this album portrays a sentiment that speaks to me. Perhaps I am biased to a situation in my life that these lyrics have helped with, but I always look for an album who puts more into the lyrics, like emotion and feeling than just power riffs. This album has some songs that makes me think we were married to the same women or dated them at least. Same emotions come from this album that I could never put into words myself. Obviously why I am writing a review instead of the songs. I would recommend this album to anyone especially if they were having a trying time in life. Falling - Amazing song. If you are down and you keep yourself down its your fault, no one is going to fix it for you. Please - We were with the same woman I think. Same questions I consistently asked my self and I never bought into everything she said. Cross to Bear - We all have issues resting on our shoulders, don't lie and say you don't. I have already listened to this album like 40 times in a row. Everytime I do I hear another lyric that I missed that I can place on my life experiences. Good job Staind, and I know this isn't their newest album, but I think lyrically, it is a crowning achievement.
  • Good Music

    By bigbubba3
    Staind made some very good music in this album. Best songs are Right Here, Please, and Devil