
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • This is their best album!

    By Scarlettdeville661
    I love Arron Lewis I love this album out of all the rest! Great album! Classic..
  • Staind Me

    By Bandito Andy
    I seriously love these songs, it's not for everyone because not everyone understands that a song comes from past events, and I can relate to these lyrics, and I can't forget to mention the great sound that this band composes that conveys the meaning even deeper which is something that many other bands lack.
  • um.....

    By peace225
    i know the song its been a while but i cant find wht album right here waiting other than the ep version. SAY this review was helpful if u want to find where it is!!!!!!! lol. XD
  • above average

    By Maf9
    the album is great but I wouldn't recomend buying it. most of the songs are good so I wouldn't waste your $ on the whole album.
  • encore

    By LPfreak21
    this album is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I give it this many stars:************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* they made a clean version so i am actually allowed to listen to it. not that i mand the cussing but my parents do. buy it now