Staind - Staind



  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Release Date: 2011-09-13
  • Explicitness: explicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 10

  • ℗ 2011 Flip Records, LLC and Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States/Flip R


Title Artist Time
Eyes Wide Open Staind 3:30
Not Again Staind 4:34
Failing Staind 5:26
Wannabe Staind 3:49
Throw It All Away Staind 4:24
Take a Breath Staind 3:56
The Bottom Staind 4:15
Now Staind 3:44
Paper Wings Staind 4:23
Something to Remind You Staind 4:07


  • Not Feeling It

    By Sephiroth726
    IMO Staind’s best work was on Dysfunction, Break The Cycle, Chapter V, and The Illusion of Progress. It was always a good mix of slow & heavy but what stood out the most is the raw emotion in Aaron Lewis’s voice. I think honestly this album is just to satisfy their record contract and pacify the fans. Aaron Lewis is focused on his country music career & put a lot of that misery behind him. I think with this album they just tried to be Staind but Aaron wasn’t feeling it. You don’t get that raw emotion most of the time & a lot of it just sounds like they’re trying to be heavy. Their music always stood out but this album is subpar.
  • Amazing album.

    By EvinTwin7780
    This is Staind going back to their roots and it’s simply amazing.
  • Going out in STYLE!

    By WesleyAPEX
    Great album! Staind went out with a bang! Eyes Wide Open is awesome! Not Again is excellent and Something to Remind You is a power ballad!
  • I haven't heard this Staind since Dysfunction!

    By V4DER7758
    Back to the Nu Metal! Awesome! Not Again is a personal fave.
  • back on track

    By Jud0flip_
    Finally, the Staind I grew up listening to has come back. Now, not saying this album is as good as break the cycle, but it is the best album since then imo. Heavy mixed with slow, emotional songs, this album is for sure, a step in the right direction. Failing , Eyes Wide Open, Take a Breath, and Now are my top songs from this album.
  • Truly Staind

    By IcEmAN223
    I'm a huge fan of Staind, granted I only have one of their albums, Break the Cycle, but from what I've heard out of their most recent ones, it sounds like they went back to their roots in this one, which is great, because I love their older songs. Definitely recommend 10/10
  • Best album by Staind

    By Weeman18
    My favorite song is "Now". This album, to me, is by far the best of Staind. I highly recommend you download the entire album. You'll enjoy every last second of it :D
  • Now I'm a Fan

    By stop the pop
    I've always liked Staind but, with the exception of a few songs, never listened to their stuff more than a few times. This album is 2 years old and still frequents my ipod. This album and seeing them tour it has made me a fan. In my opinion, this is their crowning achievement. Its heavy, melodic, emotional, angy, sensitive, and tough all at once. I highly recommend it for fans of modern hard rock.
  • Love this album.

    By dredgemp
    This truly is Staind's best album in a long long time. Most bands lose their sound when they try to return to writing heavy music. There is no lack or writing skills on this album. Great job guys!!!!
  • Love Staind

    By Aeonaxxis
    Listener of Staind since Dysfunction. Very happy with this album. Staind's dark side makes the best music. Favorite track is "Eyes Wide Open"