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Title Artist Time



    By XxSilverSharkzxX
    I have just stumbled across Staind last week and I’m glad I did. They are super inspiring and keep me on my feet whenever things are tough and The instruments and vocals are melodic....My point is is that this band is everything I like in a song
  • One of my all time favorites.

    By Yup....21
    Purchased the cd back in my senior year of high school (2005) and loved it ever since. King of all excuses, Everything Changes and Reply are some of my personal favorites. TO THIS DATE, I can STILL JAM TO THIS ENTIRE ALBUM OVER AND OVER!!!!
  • Amazing!!!

    By Freerunner907
    Staind is so good!
  • Thiis album is gold!

    By angelusdeignis
    I bought it back in the days when it came out! My God this album is something out of this world! I think this is THE STAIND CD YOU HAVE TO BUY! I can't describe the emotion this album has, is just amazing from start to end!
  • Staind

    By Michellie Mack
    Almost forgot how awesome this album is. Love it still in "2013"!
  • Staind

    By Swave1987
    Great album must buy!
  • Eh

    By Bobrechardo 1 1
    Long time lover of staind, but this was definitely their weakest work.
  • Wow!

    By aajpity
    I bought this and "The Illusion of Progress". This is the better of the two. These are the only albums I have from Staind. I want the first 3 too. "14 Shades Of Grey" looks and sounds like crap from what I heard. Buy "Break The Cycle" and "Dysfunction".. Thosr are the best
  • Great record

    By Epok5763
  • hmm...

    By GreenArticuno
    chapter v is one of those albums where you like it, or you don't. some fans might be put off by the fact there are only two heavy songs on here: paper jesus & king of all excuses. while i don't think it to be staind's best, i did like the fact that there was a lot of emotion, melody, energy, & thought put into this album. i do prefer albums like tormented, dysfunction, & break the cycle, but bands like staind can only do the same thing for so long until fans get sick of it. so, i do think staind is going in the right direction by playing some softer songs, especially on the last 3 albums, but having a little bit of heavy is also a brilliant idea. my personal recomendations are: run away, right here, paper jesus, schizophrenic conversations, cross to bear, everything changes, king of all excuses, & reply, but all the songs are pretty cool.