Very enjoyable actually
By FitForAnImpendingDoom100
Usually with bands like Skillet, their early stuff, especially their very first album, are horrible and unformed, not having established their sound and coming off naturally as immature. Not with Skillet. Not only is their debut well-formed and quite strong, it is also a LOT more mature than their latter day work (everything after Comatose sans Dominion), which you would think would represent the height of their craft and musicianship and growth but in fact represents the complete opposite. They may have never repeated the grunge rock of this album again, but that only makes it more special. John Cooper and the two members that had been such at the time play very confidentially, and his voice sounded a lot younger and less raspy but was a lot more formed than other singers at the beginning. Plus, there are some very catchy songs here, which flourish in their grunge setting. I can’t really say which songs are the best, I pretty much like them all equally except maybe You Thought, which is still better than later songs like Feel Invincible and Hero. After the self titled they converted to industrial, which was sudden but worked beautifully. But the self title holds up as well as those regardless, and should be heard by those who think Skillet were always mindless fist-pump rock.