By Skillet fan’s only boi
Just let’s go
Great, but there’s been better
By SaurontheGreat
After Awake, how could Skillet create another show-stopper? They tried-and they half succeeded. Rise is my 6th favorite Skillet album, making it pretty low on the Skillet list. Don’t get me wrong - it’s still a solid album by a great band, but half of it’s just forgettable. The great songs on this album would be Sick of It, Good to be Alive, and Not Gonna Die. The actual song Rise I found ok because they included children singing and it just doesn’t work. Other songs like Madness in Me, Salvation, and Freakshow (if you can get past the intro) are worth listening to, but these are 6 songs on a 15 song album. The rest goes from decent (What I Believe) to just awful (Circus for a Psycho). Still an album I recommend for any Skillet fan, but don’t expect to reach the heights from the last two.
Love it
By ClassicKnuckles
I really enjoyed this album has some really good songs. Probably won the best songs on this album is not going to die. It kind of gives me vibes of the song, monster and hero which are without my two favorite songs. Skillet has made another great album. I’d say that everyone is a skillet fan should probably like this. My kids also like this album so much
MADNESS IN ME!!!!:):):)
By groovywizard
Ok, first i was like: i listened to all the skillet songs then i was like : oh i haven’t listened to the album RISE then i was like: its an ok album THEN: madness in me and i was like THIS IS MY NEW FAV SONG SO LISTEN TO MADNESS I. ME CUZ ITS AMAZING
Alex Meyer
By Alex’s review
This album ROCKS this is probably my second favorite album by skillet! AMAZING!
Me to And This is my friend’s Of The Band of Skillet
By Gamer King off Skillet
I am making A album With Band of Skillet and the Starset Too And My Band to Guys is Called the Hale Thunder Cry check it out Guys is Not Out Let I Am still Work on some Music And Some lyrics of the Songs of Skillet the Band And Some of Starset
This is their best album.
I always love it when Skillet shows us their music and my favorite song in this album tells u a lot about me😳
By SariyahD 5th grade
One word: incredible
Really insanely cool
By im serous
I've listened to this for 1 week and I LOVE it don't hate on this
Why the hate?!
By hugger girl 12
First of all skillet don’t listen to the haters they are morons!
Second this album is awesome! I am writing this review in 2020 I STILL love this album to death