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Title Artist Time


  • Great job

    By Cris p bacon 1234
    Fire album
  • Surviving the game!

    By Fan of the movies
    I love Surviving The Game, Refuge and Psycho in my head from their deluxe version of this album and Dominion. My favorite is Refuge since it has a good message and i know it the best. I like Standing In The Storm about 85.7 percent it’s good and hard rock too. I like it about 87.5 not that it’s slow but I like the message and I know it the most. I like the other three songs about 85 percent like Dominion and psycho in my head about 86 percent and surviving the game about 87 percent. The rest is fine about 81.5 percent. This is a good album by the Christian hard rock band Skillet. Good Record!
  • Where’s the meaning?

    By Redpixel09
    I’ve been struggling to figure out why I didn’t like this album as much, and I think I figured it out. It lacks meaning. Most the songs in the album are the same: Fight songs, we’re great, rise up against government, follow God not men, etc. Which is not bad in theory, but when every some is the same, it gets a little repetitive. The only song with some depth is Forever or the End. Most of the album is very surface level. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great headbangers in this album, musically. But lyrically? It’s just the same all the way through. Unleashed and Victorious had some of this, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as Dominion. And the ones in the aforementioned 2 are more about empowering the listener or about God. Dominion seems very focused on rising up against the government, at least that’s how it seems to me. Meanwhile, when you look at Comatose and Awake, they have full meaning and depth. The Last Night, Lucy, Would It Matter, just to name a few. I’m curious to see what we get next, but if it continues like this, I just can’t see a good future for this band.
  • Love it

    By 116MyCrewBrah
  • Awesome album 🕊️

    By kboar7879
    Love, love, love this album!! Skillet you rock! 🤘
  • What a great album!!!!!!!!!!

    By The Skillet Fan
    This album is super awesome!!!! My favorite song from this album is Dominion!

    By kbelle444
    This album is so needed in our culture today. It truly points to God and inspires me, and their electro rock sound is unique. I am in love with it!!! Skillet is the best rock band!!!!!
  • Their best album yet!

    By Aboredhuman24
    In my personal opinion (and I’ve been a panhead since comatose) This album is their best work! It’s perfectly balanced between being hard-hitting and being vulnerable “Valley of Death” perfect balances out “Surviving The Game” and “Standing In the Storm” and “Forever or The End” adds beautiful vulnerability In between “Destroyer” and “Ignite” 10/10 for me! Check this out!
  • Amazing Great pure rock a throwback to when rock was king!

    By Decpaladin
    I love this album! I have been a Skillet fan from the 90’s. I got my kids on them. This Album is by far my favorite. It surpassed Victorious which help me throw a difficult time. This Album with songs like Destiny is just what rock is all about. Plus there is meaningful lyrics and a soul. A time when this Nation actually had balls and fought for something. I have been blessed to see the next generation listening to this album and fighting against the lies. This album is worth your time. Take it back
  • Awesome

    By ClassicKnuckles
    Love the song refuge. Shout your freedom is so sick