The Older I Get - Single - Skillet

The Older I Get - Single


  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Release Date: 2007-02-27
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2007 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc.


Title Artist Time
The Older I Get (Rock Radio Mi Skillet 3:39
The Older I Get (Acoustic Vers Skillet 3:29
Yours to Hold (Acoustic Versio Skillet 3:42
The Older I Get (Edited from S Skillet 3:40


  • One problem

    By ButterDemon79
    Why are the rock radio remix and edited from studio version of the older I get exactly the same
  • To snowdot, and all who don't hunt-

    By Southern Rednek
    I hate to tell you snowdot dude, but that's country, and there ain't nothing wrong with staying in a Christian backroads, much better than those poor souls driving $500 cars in the inner city with the rap up 100%. Nothing against rap, but I prefer hunting, fishing, and praising the Lord. To all Anti- Gun people- if you took guns away, unregistered(illegal) guns would be left, and if you eat chicken, or a steak, you might want to remember they were "poor defenseless" animals, too. The southerner, out!
  • just no

    By day after tomorrow fails
    The only song worth anything in this selection is Yours to Hold. The others just make me mad and are not the same style as the great songs on Collide.
  • Can't spell Skillet without Skill

    By Boone Docks
    Hey notice how much rougher John Cooper's voice is in recent albums?
  • Skillet is the best band!!

    By Markuss Edward
    Skillet is the band that is the most influential to me! They are the band that won me to Christ and I will always love this band ! Ever since my dad opened up for them in Greenville,MS , God has blessem them with amazing talent and they have used it for him and him only! Everyone .. Please listen to Skillet, They are awesome!! :)
  • :}

    By HeavyMeatle
    Awsome music. Also check out bands like choldren 18:3 and run kid run.
  • my head is gonna die

    By Stealth7997
    these songs get stuk in ur head skilet is like dead skunk in the road
  • Great start for my Christian music library

    By Auto Racing Fanatic
    This is my first Christian music download. Until recently I had not delved into Christian music that mirrors the rock style I like in other music. Life events have put my faith into the forefront and this album blew me away with a message of faith through music I relate to. With music like this I don't need traditional rock with bad "messages". This will drive my workouts and faith at the same time. AWESOME!
  • Awesome song

    By dwzr v.8.3
    this song is amazing, and the lyrics are amazing and its among the only two skillet songs i like, the other one is whispers in the dark. the other ones i can only tolerate but do not actually enjoy them.

    By JBTalampas
    this EP right here is a MUST BUY!!!!!! the acoustic versions of each song is sooooo freakin tight! idk how any person can't buy these songs! Skillet rocks!!!