The unresisting powerhouse song!👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻
By NighthawkXL5
You guys never cease to amaze me! I listen to this, and I am the most energetic person in my family. Mercy me keep this up, and the whole world will be hearing the word of God!😉😄
Love the OFFICIAL LYRICS VIDEO of this song
By Tallwmylove
If you love this video, find and see the Official Lyrics Video of GREATER, and it is also great.
By erik-7
Quadruple Awesome! Great Christian hoedown music - not to be listened to sitting down or not moving - got to move with the music.
By HumphreyBoys
My son and I just heard this on the way home. Had to rush home and purchase this! Very catchy beat, loved the lyrics and the video is just as fun to watch as the song is to listen to!!!
By Ninas7
I absolutely loved it, fun but w a wonderful message. Touch many