I can only imagine
By Luvu4everJesus&God
It’s so great I clean, listening to, and I just love it
By Snoop Hogg
Jesus is King. Righteous and Holy. Praise His Almighty Name.
There’s nothing to say but beautiful
By Bean 2417
You have a wonderful voice this song I can only imagine is so inspireing everyone has there own interests but everyone should believe in are beloved Christ!
Love it- 16 year old boy
By porter momorial
This is a great song. I’m a 16 year old boy and when I was 11 my Papaw died. He was in perfect health and had a massive heart attack on the golf course. At his visitation this song was playing on a picture role. (I Can Only Imagine). Every time I hear this song I almost bust in tears. This is so special to me. He was the first family member I ever experienced passing and I noticed I drifted further from God. I’m now at a Christian High School where my faith is growing each day! THANK YOU MERCY ME!!!!!
Just for me
By lowfadedude
Besides Amazing grace(which reminds me of my mother who passed away) this is the only song that can put worldly things in perspective and force me to focus on my lord and savior. Words cannot explain how this song has blessed me.
This new generation……so bright.
By Bbp92412
This came out when I was a teenager. We did not have iTunes….So no reviews….means we had the cd already. Please don’t comment if you aren’t reviewing the music.
By Lives4music22
I love this CD. For those of you that think this is NOT Christian music, who are you to judge? Any music,lyric,singer or band that can lead the road to God and Jesus,that’s my Church. So many younger people buy 1 song and they like it. So they search for more………music speaks to the heart
By LivingWatersDOTcom
So 20 years ago. Many of the “Christian” musicians aren’t even Christian. A great Christian artists are: Keith green, go fish!, Scott krippayne, CBU choir and orchestra, souvenir Grace music, and randy Travis. Check out livingwaters.com for more.
Lol no reviews?
I thought this is supposed to be a popular album..