By SNeff114
I think this is the first time I left a review. This song and video are powerful. It hit me deep in my soul. I lost my wife and partner of 25 years in 2017 to cancer and now my current wife (just married 12/24) is also battling stage 4 colon cancer. This video will be a frequent watch as it will help keep me pushing along and loving and supporting my wife. Say we won't beat this. Thank you MercyMe!!!
Say I won’t.
By zidaroff
Beautiful song. Live just don’t be alive.
By Mrs. LNC
What a great chorus...I'm going to be dancing when circumstances drown the music out... Love it!
Another amazing song!
By clennox
Love this song and this band to no end!!
Beautiful song
By rapthat
Beautiful song with so much meaning. There are so many people who are told no, or never again, and this song give them hope. Don’t let anyone say you’ll never be able to do something again.
Fantastic & Inspiring
By Just_like_my_man
Everything we need in the world right now! Once again MercyMe knocked it out of the park! These guys are amazing at musical storytelling! I absolutely love how they relate their music to folks everyday struggles and then lift them up! Thank you!!! And good luck Mr. Miracle, I have no doubt you’ll be up walking in no time! God’s got you!
By Shades123
Beautiful song!
By tcjay1
Such a beautiful, meaningful touching song. So many and relate to being told “you won’t” it gives you the power and motivation to do that and so much more.