By Spring Lake Saylor
This showed me how sin can grow and how God washes it away! What an amazing video!
Thank you for sharing how you made the video..God washes us Whiter Than Snow!!! PTL!!
Flawless hope giving song!
By NighthawkXL5
Never give up on Christ's plans for you, even when life gets painful and rough.😊👍🏻
By Rach purple
I absolutely love this song! Great message👌☺️
Thank you
By Cristal River
Dear Mercy Me, I've been living with bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia for a long time. I'm haunted by my past. And my relationships with my children aren't what I'd like them to be. Our minister showed this video today and as I watched the tears flow I was glad to know I was not alone and I am flawless through Jesus....thanks again, CR
By TonyHD
The lyrics applied to the rhythm of this song is awesome. A winner! This song delivers a great message about our Creator. Thanks MercyMe!
Awesome, Powerful, and Heartfelt
By NC Tarheel
Mercy Me, you have done it again! Exceptional message through song and video. Thank you.
By Bbookkeeping
What a challenging, balanced, mature, encouraging song!! Love it. My favorite to date! Bought the song THEN bought the video. Have never bought a video before, but knew I had to see it...Mercy Me is always quality!
Flawless is AMAZING!!!
By Gadget_Girl1
My absolute favorite song and video. I can't help but smile every time I hear this song!! Thanks Mercy Me!!