Truly amazing!
The first time I heard this song I started crying because it just so beautiful! This song is far the best song I have ever heard PERIOD! I feel very sorry for the lead singer(I apologize but I forgot his name)! The first time I heard Mercy Me was at a Nascar race in Texas and I was surprised because I didn't think that nascar was really a christian sport. And so they play the song I can only imagine. And I just thought to my self this is amazing! Mercy Me is playing a real christian song at a Non-christian enviroment! And we saw an older couple next to us just sitting their crying their eyes out. As soon as they stoped playing the crowd gave the biggest applause I have ever heard! I couldn't help but cry my self,it is just the best expereince I have ever heard. I can only imagine, was actually what got me into being a Christian! It is just an eye opener into what life is really about. There is no other feeling like it! Please keep singing guys and save more soul's for god.
Rich Lyrics
By Gus CG
We are blessed to live in an era in which God has raised up gifted song writers, who not only create beautiful melodies, but write lyrics that faithfully proclaim the richness of the Gospel message. Mercy Me is such a group - their music contains passion & intimacy for the Lord, as well as proclaims the truths of Scripture in fresh new ways to this generation of believers.
By bcgrad
I saw them in concert last year and it was by far the BEST concert I have EVER been to!!!