Awesome video!
By Happy person:) 1234$
That was an awesome video and I really liked it.
This song goes harder than lil Wayne
By Kcraziey
You knw it does
Great video!!!
By Dr. Musica
those guys always have excellent performances this is just a little example of that.
By philipyun103
I don't have this video but I've seen on The best band in the history of music!!!!!! Rock and alternative lovers will love This band!!!!
By Trevbaun
I just saw them live in Philadelphia and it was te greatest show ever! In this video they use the same stage and everything that they did in the live show! Great video and the best band ever!!!
Brings Back Memories
By SophieWolf
I recently saw Muse perform at a local arena. That was my first concert and I loved it and am now hooked!! This song is one of my favorite songs by Muse and the music video just makes it even better. The video shows parts of their amazing live performance and makes me feel like I'm there watching them again. I reccommend this to everyone. Keep on rockin!!!
Beautiful song and marvelous video!!!
By Muse Lover Forever
I adore the song 'Resistance' the most out of the new album. I don't know why exactly that it touched me so strongly, but I listened to it over and over again. When this video came out I purchased it without even watching the preview, and I "fell in love" with the song all over again. I think that this is worth any muse-lover's money, and anyone who is interested in Muse. (=
They've done it again.
By Russian&Co.
Why does this beautiful band keep coming out with these beautiful songs?
Wow much love
By Susieboo34
Muse gas done it again!!! I'm so happy, resistance is perhaps my favorite song on the whole album. The video is an amazing tribute to all their fans. If you were debated before about buying this video- look no futher and buy it already! You will not be disappointed. I promise you!!
By andyourbirdcansing-
Muse just seem to be on a winning streak lately when it comes to videos. The Resistance so far has put out three magnificent videos first Uprising, then Undisclosed Desires, and now Resistance. In this video Muse is seeming to pay a tribute to their fans showing various concert performances. Anyone who has not seen a Muse gig before will get the full experience watching 'Resistance'. The screaming fans lined up for hours running into the GA field,the light show, Matt Bellamy playing his heart out making the guitar wail sweet notes through the arena, Chris's headbanging, Dom keeping beat, everything. Even if you have experienced a Muse concert the "Resistance" video will still make your pulse race as you watch. It's truly everything you'd want a music video to be. Nothing flashy, just a solid tribute to the fans.