By Happy person:) 1234$
To me that song and video go good together.
Love it.
By Gizmo545
The U.S version I think is better. the UK's is somewhat disturbing lol
Muse <3 <3 <3
By Sophie1774
Muse is the most incredible band I have ever heard! I love Matts voice particuarly, but the whole band is incredibly talented. I love how they can switch so easily from piano and orchestra to headbanging music, and even blend them together :D
This MUSE-ic video is perfect!
By CarlyleH
I have always been a huge Muse fan, but ever sience this video, I have been obsessed! This is very abstract. Almost random. But it makes so much sense! This music video must have a deeper meaning, because it is kinda random and abstract, but makes SO MUCH SIENCE! I love Muse!
I love this song & video
By diggity 2.0
This has become my new favorite Muse song behind Map of the Problematique. Both are awesome songs. Matthew Bellamy, you rule.
My favorite song and video!
By erik43138ansel
I love the mood of this vid and the dancing is well choreographed
By Spartan Of Kill
Why Hysteria and not TiRO?
By raining_muses
Why would you put up the UK version of Hysteria and not the UK version of TiRO? It doesn't make any sense!
I love this song though, it's made a comeback after the snaps and claps started to annoy me. Muse is my favorite band, so put up some of their awesome older videos up! It'll give you more money.
Forever Hooked
By LLStarlight
Muse is my all time favorite band and this is the first song I heard them do. Forever hooked. This video shows Matt Bellamy's moves very well!
youcan do it
By irok13
uk version is better