By Trust and Us
Favorite muse album
By musicmanpat
Every single song on here except unsustainable Is 10/10 quality. Top 3 for me would be big freeze, madness, and a tie between explorers and panic station.
unfairly underrated.
By A Reviewer of Stuff
review incoming
Definitely not their best
By levininja
The 2cd Law isn't as substantive as previous albums. I don't mind the dubstep influences at all, but Black Holes and Origin of Symmetry are true masterpieces, whereas The 2cd Law only really excels in the area of catchiness.
By Pott3rboy
Not their best, but still great.
By Amoneysweg17403710
Try to tell me Animals isn't a good song
By BellaEsc.a
Well, I have to be honest with myself. This album didn't quite grab me like the others had. I am a huge fan of Muse, but I only like a few songs from this album. I love how they wanted to try something different, and I respect this album. Their new album, Drones, I really like and I think Muse is still AMAZING. This is simply not my favorite album. Thanks :) -Bella
I love MUSE, but
By whydoievenbother4879
this album's a mess. Ultimately the band could never figure out what they wanted this album to be, and wasted an opportunity here. Any Muse album is more cohesive than this one, so you'd do better to start with Absolution, The Resistance, Black Holes and Revelations, Order of Symmetry, or even Drones. Don't buy this one.
My recommendation is to listen to/buy Animals and Madness, and then look up the last two title tracks. I personally think that Unsustainable and Isolated System are amazing and bring an energy that the rest of the album lacks. I'm finally feeling threatened by the idea that humanity is going to wipe out our precious planet. A lot could be drawn from this apocalyptic idea, but it's largely ignored, and when it's acknowledged it's done poorly (Animals being the only one with lyrics that reflect the theme appropriately). I like the idea of adding more electronic elements into their songs, but only Madness and the title tracks seem to pull this off well.
For the rest of the album, there are tracks that I enjoy, but don't really fit (Save Me and Panic Station), songs that fit but I really don't like (Explorers, Follow Me), and then songs that are just completely wasted opportunities by not fitting and getting in the way of themselves: Survival, which has the shrill choir that literally hurts to listen to, and Liquid State. LS is apparently a really personal song for the bassist who uncharacteristically sings lead vocals, but it has no business trying to squeeze into this album and should have just been a B-side for the hardcore fans. Big Freeze falls in the same category as Madness as far as adding some electronic elements, but it's completely forgettable. I'm kind of confused by Supremacy...it's almost as jarring as Survival, but executed a bit better I guess. Supremacy would probably fit better on the Resistance than this album, and I think that's my main issue with it.
So yeah, if you like the music that seems like it was thrown into a blender and have not interest in "flow", then this album is for you. Accept the positive reviews at your own risk.
Bring back the old muse!!!
By Concerned Mom 420
So disappointed! I was really hoping they would bring it back to the origins of symmetry days. They're so talented, Whhhyyyy?!!!
By zachjames0806
The album is really good but there is a few things I don't really appreciate. Supremacy is way too thematic. Cut the f-bomb out of Panic Station. Follow Me is no words. The rest is phenomenal.