A True Classic!!!
By Share62
This is so great. A time capsule of the best of Madonna. She was and still is an amazing artist.
Non-stop Remix!
By b11bingo
Madonna ruled the 80s of course, but this album was risky even for her. As weird as it sounds nowadays, remix albums were unusual back then. A 12-inch single from time to time was OK - but an entire remix album from a major star like Madonna? Kind of unheard of. Anyway, there's a nice selection of songs here, though I wish she would have included "Physical Attaction." The new song "Sotlight" is great, and the remixes are well-done, even if that "c-c-c-c-c-c-come on" stuff sounds a bit dated. It's still an album I can play straight through and enjoy 35 years later!
Classic Madonna
By Necrojr
This is probably one of the first dance compilation CDs that I played on repeat! Like Madonna herself, these songs have stood the test of time. Every song makes me dance! 🎉
You can Dance
By adalverto
The Eighties couldn’t be without A Madonna remix Album, spotlight a very uplifting song was well written and a perfect fit into this compilation of dance Hits, you will dance from the beginning to the end with this one.
And You Can Dance for Inspiration
By fallcandle78
I Loved this album when it first came out. Just rediscovering it and it really stands the test of time.
Love Madonna
By Evka_PL
I was 16 days old when this album came out and still rock to this !!! Madonna is the queen always and forever
By Lshelle
I received this album Christmas '87. Yep the old vinyl. I don't know where it is now, but I 'm gonng buys this album pretty soon.
Wrong version of 'Physical Attraction'
By Cade Matthews
iTunes has recycled 'Physical Attraction' from Madonna's original album instead of using the version from previous versions of the "You Can Dance" album.
Shining bright!
By HoustonSammy
One of the few albums out there that makes me wish I still had a turntable! I loved this when I bought the record - I love it still. I forget the context of "New Madonna," Ray of Light and such - take myself back to the time when her call of "everybody is a star" was one of the amazing things in my world. I am generally one to believe that songs should run about 4 minutes and no more - and usually don't like remix-type albums. How can an album go wrong period with such a brilliant beginning as Spotlight? In rating all of Madonna's albums today, I realize I have been on the critical side with most of them, even though she has been my favorite artist through most of her career. I can say nothing bad at all about You Can Dance - I promise you, even if you can't dance, you will believe you can before it's over.
By Marsan-O