Introduction to a Legend
By ph27343
This album stands strong after all these years
Total Classic
By rebelYELL23
A debut album that helped launch her as a global icon.
❤️❤️❤️Keep Pushing My Love❤️❤️❤️
By Gero Nimus
I am so happy this Itunes issue contains the hard to find 12” extended version of Borderline!/ You won’t find it anywhere else. It is sonically spatial in sound, just like the 7” version that is played on radio and used in the music video./ The original LP version sounded more flat, with less instrumentation./
OMG! WoW! 🤩🤩🤩
By Zahana's Reantaze
Madonna makes VERY GOOD music! 🎵🎶🎵🎶
By livluvmusic
Classic album with a few great remixes in between.
Slightly Disappointed
By t183528
I’m slightly disappointed that the versions of Lucky Star, Borderline & Holiday aren’t the original. Not as nostalgic as I was hoping for. Still a great album of course just wish the original album was offered.
This isn't the original album
By Cervenka68
If you're looking for the original songs from the original release of this album, keep looking, because this isn't it. It's really frustrating to pay for something and then find out it's not what it claims to be.
A classic dance album
By theatre777665
Oldie but very very goodie
I want original version of Borderline & Holiday
By JckXXvI
Please itunes change it back to the original version
Tracks are messed up!
By andres9623
Some of the tracks on here are NOT from the original release! “Borderline” on this album is extended while the original album release is not and the Immaculate Collection remix of “Holiday” is featured on this album while the original version of “Holiday” is on the Celebration album. It’s all mixed up. Please review and fix what needs to be fixed iTunes! Thank you.