One of the best albums of the 90s
By OrangePeelNeilNeil
This album is pure gold! Classic album from beginning to end! If this album never existed- neither would most female pop stars today.
By Amazingblueheart7865
I think all of Madonna’s albums are excellent. But this one is my favorite. Its sonic construct is the best crafted and edgiest of all her albums; yet she still delivers melodies that you can’t get out of your head and lyrics that you cannot get out of your heart. This album is about love, detailing all of its related joys and pains. It comes from a point of view of someone who is searching and maturing through the wilderness; believing that true love was within reach of our innocent, superficial tactics. Before we could understand and celebrate the spirituality of Ray of Light, we had to get through sadistic turbulence of our own demands on others; only then to find out that we did it all to ourselves and that true love was something completely different. Love was something we were trying to “buy”, only to find out that true love was, is and always will be free. Don’t get me wrong, the journey was fun. But now we can sit back, relax and say “Finally Enough Love”. Because we were lucky enough to have had Madonna to inspire us, making the education something we actually wanted to learn and benefit from: Finally Enough Love.
her BEST album
By B-wizzle.
from start to finish this album has jam after jam it deserved way more
Eroti. Ca
By richyrich59
An absolute masterwork. Ahead of its time never forgotten. An underrated gem
Fantastic Album Start to Finish!!
By Matthew 1978
This was an album and era unlike any other. From the opening first single of ‘Erotica’ to the disco bump of ‘Deeper And Deeper’, the melancholy bliss of ‘Bad Girl’, a club revamp of ‘Fever’ to the beauty of ‘Rain’. The album covers the full spectrum of a woman’s artistic vision in an era that has gone on to inspire all female pop artists following her trail. This was just another jewel in her crown as the Queen of Pop!!
By Dougie what u got 27
28 years old and it’s still like brand new
Timeless, impactful, and raw
By Kylie Ciccone
Best Album happy Anniversary Erotica!! 🥰🥰
Must listen stream and purchase
By theatre777665
By keifwo
Madonna will always remind of your. Life and friends in that moment.
My favorite by far!
By sean balko
Remarkable album!