Its a compilation
By Velcropowns
So basically its songs from their other Deluxe albums.
By White Cracher 9
I found this interesting.
By ToadtheTerrible
I always like it when bands release demos of their songs, and it's funny to hear how horrible some of the songs were at one point.
Also, for those of you who are calling this band "scary, weird, violent, and satanic", stay away from death metal, because you won't be able to wrap your little heads around it.
By cliff w
It's Mudvayne, How can I complain???
People with closed minds
By Powerfull
Wow it never ceases to amaze me how people who do not listen to a genre make harsh judgements. Also, the people who like only metal and cannot appreciate other genre even slightly. Just because a musician changes thier sound doesn't mean they've "sold out"... maybe, just maybe, they are growing as artists. It is quite refreshing to hear demo versions and discover where the songs began.
Rappers, dont comment on heavy metal, plz!
By mrmcsnipe
ok, look u 50 cent fans, ludacris, lupe fiasco, just shut up, we dont care about ur comments on heavy metal, we dont comment on rap, or at least i dont, because i dont like rap as much as heavy metal. so just dont rate these.
Mudvayne, surely one of the most thoughful hardcore rock bands around. :)
By Jordond
I love them on the live stuff. They know how to put on a good show. World so cold live is almost better then the actual version. I bought the L.D. 50 live dvd, and man. They put on one hell of a show. Dig sounded better then the actual version. They're truely not the sell out kinda band. All though they did get a little bit softer over the years. but who gives a damn, they're still one of the hardest/best well know bands around. And if you hate them, you should die and rot in hell. Cause mudvayne is fantastic. I've been with these guys sense L.D. 50 every one of their albums up to this point have been sick. and they put all the songs that I and many other fans like. Thanks for lettin the fans decide mudvanyne. PS: Chad rocks!
I expected better...
By the real ty-pod
Ok, first I want to say that I am a huge Mudvayne fan!!! Chad is my F***ing hero! I have collected every CD that they have put out and I've loved them all...But this was a waste of time and money. I was stoked when I heard about this album because it has such a cool the people.
The versions that they picked for this album are my biggest problem. The demos sound horrible and the live versions aren't their best. I've seen Mudvayne live and they were awsome! Why couldn't they have recorded some of those songs?
Anywho, it's Mudvayne...add it to the collection, but don't expect it to rule the player...
By Waster4Life
i love this is amazing...the one thing i don't really like are the intros...but it makes the cd more personal to mudvayne...the intros to the songs show you what was going on. love the new songs (dully boy, goodbye, on the move, king of pain) and love the acoustic song...the demos and live verison are amazing also...true mudvayne fans will get this and love it
and for the person who said these are worse are wrong...these are actuly really good...look at the happy? demo...that demo is amazing...i would of liked that more then the orignal verison anyways...and for the person who said mudvayne is nu-metal you are also is bands that play rock and rap at the same time...limp bizkit, linkin park, slipknot etc etc
i you can't feel mudvayne's music then u need to quit puffin and eatin dro's in ur mommas basement. this music is so deep i never felt like this before.