By mossfan
This is the best album because my uncle shawn barclay was the bassiest in this album
I would definately buy this if...
By uberman55
If mudvayne would rerecord it. I previewed the tracks and I could imagine them being great, but chads voice and the drums, and all over quality is bad. That isn't suprising though because this was Mudvaynes first album (Not counting Kill I Outta).
By InFlamesFan11
I have Lost & Found, L.D. 50 and I just got this today...this is by far the best i've heard. I honestly don't care for the mainstream rock. If you want the original Mudvayne, when they were good, buy this. I especially reccomend Cultivate and Fear
not great.
By zappyp
this would have been better if the recording didn't sound so distortiony. but this was their first stuff, so don't be harsh on Mudvayne just for this.
Not as good
By Globesessions
as LD. 50. BUT how many bands would release their first EP on CD for the world instead of watching everone get ripped off on sites like Amazon & Ebay? The remixes of Dig are great. The ending is dumb though. The first 8 are pretty good but the Mudvayne of today is untouchable. Give it a shot,
By The name's ed
This is the bands roots, the rerelease of their first album with a few aditional songs. This is an original album and the REAL un-mainstream mudvayne. If you want more metal worth listening to check out nothingface, bloodsimple, and korns album titled: Korn
not there best album at all, but its still mudvayne!
By last name floyd, first name pink
the album itself is garbage, but what do you expect, most of these songs were some of there first. fear however being the only mudvayne song that has a guitar solo...cant wait for there new album "shades of gray"...peace from one of the biggest mudvayne fans!