Mudvayne - Mudvayne



  • Genre: Metal
  • Release Date: 2009-12-18
  • Explicitness: cleaned
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 11

  • ℗ 2009 Sony Music Entertainment


Title Artist Time
Beautiful and Strange Mudvayne 5:03
1000 Mile Journey Mudvayne 5:56
Scream With Me Mudvayne 2:52
Closer Mudvayne 3:21
Heard It All Before Mudvayne 6:05
I Can't Wait Mudvayne 3:03
Beyond the Pale Mudvayne 4:47
All Talk Mudvayne 2:52
Out To Pasture Mudvayne 5:47
Burn the Bridge Mudvayne 3:36
Dead Inside Mudvayne 4:55


  • Wow!! Really??

    By (instru)Metal
    I have been a Mudvayne fan since L.D. 50. Which is STILL a great album. End of all things to come had plenty of great songs on it. The CD was very well written and recorded. As well as Lost and Found. But Mudvayne did what I was afraid they were going to do and go soft and main stream. As a bass player I have found comfort in Ryans style and thought that he pulled off the jazziness with metal very very well. Hellyeah has a great Southern Metal sound to it but it just seems that Greg and Chad both have forgotten there roots and turned mudvayne into a Hellyeah style band. Mudvayne was first guys.
  • Yeah..well

    By ThisShallPerish
    this album is ok. Nothing like REAL Mudvayne. If you're an actual fan, you'd agree that L.D 50 is at least 700 times more superior to all their albums (excluding the end of all things to come). Chad needs to go back to his old style of vocals. And it disgusts me that Ryan and Matt dont even seem to be allowed to show how good they are at what they do. Guys...please geat that makeup back on and humble the universe again.
  • Maverick35

    By B-Nav35
    Amazing album!!!! Mudvayne is back BUY
  • Great Album but...

    By Soul is the one!
    U should buy the hard copy. The blacklight cover is without a doubt the most metal representaion of theirs. Besides it's 9.99 at hot topic at the moment. thats less than a dollar per song. Which is better thean these cheapskates will sell it to u for.
  • WHOO!

    By DanielleH27
    I love this CD! It's amazing... there are only 2 things that bother me 1. People complaining about how bad the new game was, compared to this. I really honestly think people need to re-listen. 2. When you look on your genius sidebar it tries to compare this with Burn Halo... IS THAT A JOKE?! LOL!
  • Still the best!!! Period...

    By MudPit
    Must own album for any Mudvayne fan. This Sh!t ABSOLUTELY will blow your F@ckin socks off. Hope you like it loud and heavy cuz thats all your gonna get here. Keep pumpin that wonderful music out Mudvayne. Ever since L.D. 50 you guys been tearin sh!t up. And to all the haters that didn't like The New Game, EAT A D!CK UP. That was a dope album. You just listening and you can't HEAR Mudvayne. Tune in before you hate. I would rate each song individually but every track on here is PURE FIRE. Just buy it, you won't be dissappointed. Album gets a 10!!! Already can't wait to hear whats comin down the pipe next time. MuDvAyNe 4 F@ckinEver.
  • Excellent

    By Gorging George
    I really didn't have high hopes for this album after the last, but it certainly exceeded them. It's much heavier than the New Game and is a great throw back to their roots while still showing that they've grown musically. "Heard it all Before" has some brutally heavy parts. It's a great album.
  • FlAwLeSs!!!

    By thewurstone
    It's not often that each of a band's albums are better than their last, but this is definately one of those cases - not to mention they did it in only one year! The New Game was amazing, but this album rocks just a little harder. It is definately heavier than The New Game and reminds me more of L.D. 50 or The End of All Things to Come. Anyone who loves Mudvayne MUST buy this album!
  • Best ever,

    By RyCKY262
    I never thought they could come up with a masterpeice a year later after they're previous album. Music in my ears. :)
  • i got teh mud in my vayne!!

    By silok demisE
    all i can say is welcome the f**k back mudvayne this reminds me of the good ol' days of Ld.50 buy this cd if u love metal and music it self. WELCOME BACK MUDVAYNE

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