

  • Genre: Heavy Metal
  • Release Date: 2001-01-29
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:18

Music Video


  • Ladybug

    By Hattrick Catfinkle
    I loved this song and i still do but.... that dude in red looks like a lady bug.
  • I had the explicit

    By puppycleaver
    I originally bought the explicit and Itunes erase from my computer and installed clean version! ONE STAR, you can't bleepp half a song and think it's alright!dont tard my songs , please!
  • Stop censoring!

    By drdancabot
    How about an explicit version of the video for us grown ups.?! i love the song, but wasted my money on this video. The lyrics are SO FREAKING censored, even things that aren't curse words are taken out, and the rest glued back together into nonsense. As a result, the video sounds like a lunatic screaming random words into a microphone, and Mudvayne deserves more respect than this. Don't waste your money on this video until they come out with a version that actually contains lyrics from the song. Why do we expend so much effort censoring something as mundane as music, when we could be using these resources for so many legitimate causes? What a waste.
  • Dig <3

    Freaking love the song and the video, but why the heck that was it censored? Can we please just have explicit versions?
  • ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ this is for the cesorship!!!

    By Hoovyjr
    I want My fowl language stop taking it out thats what parental controls are for ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ !
  • Good song.

    By Fan235
    Great song with a sick bassist and singer. But they look a little ridiculous in the video. Only slipknot can pull that off.
  • Sad

    By VALIAVA__
    Censored? I am ashamed.
  • This is not good

    By ChapmanKindergarten
    Holy cow my ears
  • Amazing

    By hpage50
    Ryan is a SICK bassist and chad can scream bro!! Love it!! I like these costumes more than slipknot!!
  • iTunes Fail

    By Firebotter
    This is by far one of the best songs ever recorded. Unfortunately iTunes has uploaded the clean version of it. Still a good song and video but...clean! Really?

Videos from this artist