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Title Artist Time


  • You Gotta Love This Album

    By kurtissays
    We’ve waited a long time & was it ever worth the wait! Ms. Manchester is in excellent voice & that’s just the icing on this cake of fantastic original material. This album feels like the perfect, logical expression of this stage of her long music career. Excellent production, super guest appearances & the kind of writing that has attracted us Melissa fans over the years - You can tell she wrote it for herself, but in doing so, we all benefit & have another project of inspiring music. With no label in her way, I see this as the beginning of a new stage of creativity and I couldn’t be more excited.
  • Fantastic work; will delight new fans and old!

    By Doctah J
    Even for someone who hasn’t been a fan of Melissa Manchester for the over 40 years she has been in the music business, this album is a gem. The songs are composed, not simply generated, and the performances are real, musical, and soulful. This compilation would have been outstanding even without the all-star guest roster, but those performances add an exquisite icing to a blissfully rich cake. Manchester’s voice has lost nothing over time, and her singing has grown much richer with years of life and living. The artistry and musicianship are sublime. She has a solo voice that I have always found superior to Streisand's, but as a musician, she also knows how to blend to magnificent effect. And blend she does, at every turn. This album demonstrates what an album really is and can be. The song selection is really first rate. I for one wish more musicians were working in this manner nowadays; this album was clearly made with love for the process and the audience, and it delights. It might not make her rich, but it makes her listeners’ lives richer.
  • Lovely! Every track is vocal gold

    By RonAnnArbor
    What a great new album from one of my all-time favorites, Melissa Manchester --- the music here is all hummable, and ranges from lovely ballads to many upbeat jazzy tunes with great riffs...and a gorgeous and surprising interpretation of the R&H "Something Wonderful" that took my breath away...Just get it -- on CD or download...you'll love it. Congrats Melissa!