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Title Artist Time


  • Nice

    By Butte Humpr
    Great comeback!! I love it. Please do many more. We need it in this music and world climate we’re in nowadays.
  • All Goo

    By PMonkey56
    Can’t believe how much I love Goo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow! Love this!!πŸ‘πŸ»β€πŸ˜Š

    By Tupatchi
    Happy the band is happy! 😊. A super solid album. Come to Me is a favorite...among others :)
  • In love!!!

    By CrazyChris473
    Ok so at first I wasn't so sure about a few songs, but having listened and focused on them!!! I am in LOVE with this album!! It's as if I am growing with the goo goo dolls!! Slow it down is amazing! 😍
  • Can't get enough of The Goo!

    By LSUjen
    I'm convinced Johnny could sing the want ads & I'd love it. #PureTunage
  • I dig the new direction

    By SoCal4017
    This is my second favorite Goo album of All-Time! My first, of course, is Dizzy Up the Girl. I was weary of the new sound at first but once I listened the entire album thru, I loved it. Very well done guys! Can't wait to hear the new one you're currently recording!!!! Go Goo!!!
  • Long time fan

    By J.D. Lane
    Been a fan of the Goo Goo Dolls since I was about 5. I grew up listening to A Boy Named Goo. My favorite album is probably Superstar Carwash (but I do love Jed);judging by the reviews people seem to agree that Car Wash and A Boy Named Goo were probably the "peak" of the Goo's sound and effort. I appreciate bands that evolve, and I love when bands branch out and try new sounds. I loved Gutterflower and Dizzy was poppy but still had songs about different subjects and had a sort of message. Magnetic's lyrics aren't very meaningful and are really only about relationships and love. Again, I'm not saying the Goo Goo Dolls should just make the same albums they made on the past; I like bands that's try new things. Magnetic just seems like they're trying to fit it rather than making music for an artist purpose. It is really catchy and at the end of the day I can't say it's really that bad, just not what I wanted.
  • Watched them live

    By Allstarone
    They were even better in person. Awesome album... Awesome band!
  • You gotta love them

    By alohalani
    How can you not love the Goo Goo Dolls, old and new? Amazing band in concert. Saw them in San Antonio and hope they return. If you can't handle their new songs then don't listen to them. Stick with the old and move on. I personally like a mix of the old and new. Keep singing Johnny!
  • Boring repetitive sound

    By ffflfpdpfpfpf
    worst album