
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Lost and found

    By Luke61700
    I went to go purchase 1 song. Well, I listened to the entire album and knew I had to buy all the songs. Love the Goo Goo dolls!
  • Bland

    By Instagram:@EvanShawMumford
    I’m a huge fan of The Goo Goo Dolls but this album was a letdown for me. When I first heard “Rebel Beat,” I got really excited for Magnetic and the new direction the band could be going. After the track ends though, the album becomes mellow and offers nothing new. While I’m glad they had fun making this record, I prefer their previous albums. The songs that stick with me are “Rebel Beat,” “Come to Me,” and “More of You.”
  • Come to Me by Goo Goo Dolls

    By Zara Lamarr
    I ADORE this song-I NEVER get tired of listening to it-love the music & the lyrics!!!!
  • Once again another great album!

    By €£>,>€€<<€^#~~*^~^<~**#~£
    Love this Album!
  • Moving and masterful

    By 5F00ter
    Has not stopped playing on a loop for 2 days
  • LOVE IT!!!!!!

    By Awesomeperson101494
    I love your songs and i loved the concert u did in salisbury come back soon
  • Amazing

    By BigBoy21
    Goo goo dolls knocked it out of the park!!
  • Fantastic Album.....

    By Orionsbelt1211
    Listened to their songs for years. They getter with age. THE BEST TO DATE!
  • Best since Gutterflower

    By Lulu_gurl-546
    Huge Goo fan. Seen them twice. My favorite album is Superstar Carwash. Been more of a fan of their older material. As for recent years, Let Love In was decent. Something For The Rest of Us was borderline terrible. Didn't have high hopes for Magnetic, but I must say that it is as enjoyable as anything they have done. Very current sound and catchy. They really haven't received any love from the radio since Gutterflower or Dizzy Up The Girl. Glad to see they have enough fans to keep them around.
  • Amazing!

    By Dellygoo
    Absolutely amazing! I can't stop listening! These guys never fail to amaze me me! Love it!