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Title Artist Time



    By Medova
    Esta produccion es una de las mejores que tiene Gilberto Santa Rosa quien realmente conoce de musica le va gustar.
  • Shaking my head

    By BennyNike3
    As a diehard fan this album almost killed me. This is BEYOND garbage. He better call Omar Alfanno & Cucco Peña if he wishes to remain as El Caballero de la Salsa. Last two albums have been a disappointment. Thanks for saving me $11.99 though.
  • Malo, very bad music

    Not 1 good song on this CD
  • This CD should have been called, "GILBERTO SALSA-MONGA"

    By Chico Cocolo
    Once again Gilberto Santa-Rosa is WASTING his TALENT & TIME recording this type of CORNY, CHEESY, COMMERCIAL "SALSA MONGA" songs. I heard this album on 11/19/2012 in "CASA AMADEO" BRONX, N.Y. (COMPOSER MIKE AMADEO owns and operates it. MIGUEL AMADEO has written many HIT songs for, EL GRAN COMBO, CHEO FELICIANO, HECTOR LAVOE, TITO NIEVES, CELIA CRUZ, & many more.) MIKE AMADEO said, "let's hear this NEW CD by Gilberto Santa-Rosa to whether he's still doing the SAME stuff. AFTER hearing the album, MIKE AMADEO said, and I QUOTE, "QUE PORQUERIA!!!!!" (Translation - "WHAT GARBAGE/JUNK!!!"). So, "GILBERTO SALSA-MONGA" is at it again, producing SOFT, CR@*PY, Commercial CD's. If you are looking for good Mambo music you WILL NOT find it here. ONLY a DIE-HARD FANATIC of Gilberto Santa-Rosa would buy this, and they have been DYING HARD.
  • This is from 2012 not from 2001

    By Arepera76
    Great album. Most of them are covers, but I love the song with Guaco. Great song.
  • ?

    By Butta bless
    Gilberto come on man now this is 2 lame albums in a row this album is not all bad there are like 4 good songs but far below you're potential
  • Return to your origins !

    By DJ Louie
    Mucho respecto tengo para El Caballero De La Salsa pero el titulo lo dice todo. Gilberto, tenies que volver a tus raices. Yo se que todos los artistas tiene que probar diferentes sabores pero de vez en cunado tiene que sacar un album mucho sabor. Como los albumnes como los primeros tres, eso si tienen SABOR.