Fallout - Single - Marianas Trench

Fallout - Single

Marianas Trench

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2011-11-15
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2011 604 Records Inc.


Title Artist Time
Fallout Marianas Trench 4:10


  • Ever After is AMAZING!

    By totallytwilight001
    I have listened to the entire album about a billion times already, and I am SO EXCITED for it to finally officially come out on Monday! Marianas Trench is an amazing band, and they deserve so much more recognition then they are getting here in the US, when they are huge stars over in Canada! Fallout was one of my favorites on the album for sure when I first heard the previews, so I'm so happy that it is a single! and the album opener is EPIC! just saying :) These guys never disappoint! oh and I saw them live a few weeks ago, and they are just as amazing live as they are on their albums! <3
  • Love it!

    By Kelli Hoffmann
    I love this song. Can't wait for their new album.....(:
  • Never a Disappointment

    By Saida2323
    Not gonna lie, I'm a hardcore trencher but I was scared on how this album and song were gonna turn out. Lesson Learned: Never doubt Marianas Trench.
  • Love it!

    By LJ26ones
    Awesome song :)
  • Wow(:

    By Softballgirl1697
    Wow(: Ive been counting down until ever after comes out and this is making the waiting terrible!! I really didn't think that they could get any better... But this is amazing(: I'm so ready for ever after!
  • Never a fallout with mtrench.

    By SomeGirl :)
    I didn't think it could get better then masterpiece theatre.. I was wrong. They're definately headed in the right direction and I love this!! I already heard the whole album and there's not one song that I won't listen to 100004738 times. <33
  • Amazingly awesome!!!!

    By Gleeker100
    If the new album is gonna be as dope this song and their other single than I'm even more excited. This album is gonna be so sick!!! It's pop and rock, my favorite!!! I love anything M-Trench puts out. Cant wait for Ever After. Nov. 21st. Six days TRENCHERS!!!
  • Amazing song

    By MusicGirlDes
    I love Marianas Trench, this is yet another masterpiece from this amazing band.

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