I love Marianas Trench!
By What. The. Hell.
All four of these guys are super talented and just amazing. I have all of their songs and videos, and I'm starting to think they can so no wrong (:
we need the song!!!!!!!!!!!!
By cherrypeace
this song is awesome!!!the problem is that iTunes only has it as a music video. PLEASE put this as a song. that's the only reason I won't buy it. I just don't like the music video. I'm keeping it at two stars until we can buy JUST the song.
By Alli star
Wares the song I see a music vidieo but I don't see a song!!!!!!!!!!!grr I tunes realese it!!
By Ms.memissme
Honestly, I can't believe there's the music video of this before the song itself is released on Itunes. Love the song, and the music video is cute, but I just want the plain old music. Can't wait for that :D
i want it!
By froggii95
i freaking want this in america!! i lovee itttt :)
Marianas trench
By Maddie1444
A friend got me hooked on this band and now I love it!!! But there needs to be the option to buy just the song. Love the band, and the music video is hilarios but iTunes needs to give the option to buy the song!
By ugo0413
I love everytihng about this music video and song; but the fact that you can buy the song is really annoying! What about the apple customers that are really cheap and only bought the shuffle?! Make the song available! Until then this song is only getting one star from me : /
beside you
By Laurabt
I dont understand why we cant buy the song "beside you" on itunes. it makes me mad. what a tease! its on the radio but we cant buy it. you would think seen as we are willing to hand over $$ for it we would be allowed. =/
Love the song!
By Fang_ride
Awesome video awesome song awesome band! gotta love marianas trench!!
Great but...
By Amber042595
Great song and video, but we would love it if we could buy the song itself without the video!