This band is just...unbelieveable , as always .
By marianastrenchwolf :D
I really love this song . I wish Itunes had the Behind The Scenes of it , i love it xD This band is , and always will be amazing . I've never seen a better group of guys who care so much and try their hardest for their fans . I will forever be an american trencher <3
By Blaze€£¥$
Warm Feeling
By happyflashbubble
Adorable :) Hey it made me Smile and all fuzzy happy inside
By Divog
Great song
amazing :')
By xXEmoLuv2xX
even if this song is a music video it makes me cry because it's so beautiful
We need the song format!
By feinauercj
Itunes needs to provide just the song, we don't all want the video.
LOVE them- HATE itunes
By cmugirl11
Seriously, taunt me with the video and not let me download the album "Masterpiece Theater"? Thanks itunes. Im going to the store to buy the album and not give you my money!
By RegalCabbage
Why can't I get this song without the video? This is annoying.
Besides you by Marianas Trench
By svyeta
Besides you by Marianas is one of the best songs.
I heard this song when I was with my friend we started listening to it
thinking ehh, this probably wont be the best song by them.
BUT, boy were we wrong, it was absolutely amazing.
you can see and feel the emotions in the song.
It's not about sex, drugs etc..
it's about things that actually matter in life.
SOOOO, if you want a sad excellent song this is your song,
but also if you want a smile this is your song because i MEAN look at the band members!
they're so hott, you can't help to smile(:
Sad D:
By Saaaraaaahhhhhhh
This is an awesome song, but they need the recording of the song and not just the video. I don't want the video. D: so now I yam sad.