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Title Artist Time


  • Not the One Chain on the Album

    By RoMiami
    One Chain (Don't Make No Prison) here is different from the original album (8-track, in my case) version - it sounds like a "disco" version with edited percussion breaks and the guitar dialed back in the mix. Not good. The audio level is also low - be warned. Otherwise, the material is, of course, excellent. "Well Alright" and "Open Invitation" are particularly smokin'. Along with Moonflower, this is the album that really got me into Santana.
  • Santana's real rocker!

    By trappkit
    I was a senior in H.S. when it came out. Almost experimental in it's all-out passion. Sweet cover of "Stormy" is my favorite.
  • Excellent Tunes

    By Flycreek
    I bought this album when it came out.At the party everyone agreed it was the best.The Host even wanted to keep the album on me.
  • 5 star Santana

    By JUKES!!
    An amazing buy 5 stars all the songs rock. You can tell becuase songs 3-6 have made the best santana 1 or 2. This is an awesome buy. The cover is nice too.
  • santana is the greatest

    By ad12345bye
    santana really has the beat making music great the best songs are one chain stormy dealer/ spanish rose these are great songs so buy this album it is great