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Title Artist Time


  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Weak

    By jazzsinger
    Easily his weakest album along with River of Dreams. Melodically, it's just inferior to his earlier music.
  • One of his best!

    By tuckerkitty99
    This album has one of my favorite songs of all time on it. Code of Silence is outstanding. The lyrics are amazing and adding Cyndi Lauper to it just made it that much better. I bought this album as a Billy Joel fan and have not looked back, in fact, this album prompted me to listen to more of Cyndi Lauper. A great singer in her own right! Give your ears a treat and listen to more of each artist!
  • Absolutely Nothing I'd Expected

    By Roy Nichols
    I'm a Joel fan from the 70's but moved elsewhere in the mid 80's. I only recently discovered Billy Joel via "Last Play At Shea" for a nostalgic trip. After pursing Billy's "stuff" from the late '80's and '90's I must say I'm sincerely impressed. The Bridge is an album I missed and sorry I did. WoW, what an album, it is GREAT. It's very period but very well done. This album is an exceptional Joel product and should NEVER be overlooked as a junk '80's hack work. Wow!
  • WOW

    By beachgurrl
    Billy Joel is incredible. To anyone who doesn't like this album, you have no musical ear. I wasn't even alive in the eighties and I love it!! Every song sshows the amount off time he spent composing it and layering rthyms over each other so it would sound wonderful, which it does. Listen to Running on Ice!! How many different instruments do you hear?!?!?!? My favorite songs from this album have to be Tempation, Code of Silence, and Getting Closer. They each have wonderful lyrics that people can realte to, they're catchy, and Temptation is a beautiful ballad to listen to!! The Bridge is amazing work by Billy Joel!!
  • Modern Woman is the BEST SONG!

    By Jessica Beitscher
    The song I love most in this album is Modern Woman! I never saw "Ruthless People" but whatever! I herd that Billy Joel didn't really care for this song that much, but that's okay, cuz' he's got someone to care for the song for him... ME!!
  • Not As Strong as Other Joel LPs

    By KISS Fan '96
    I am a Billy Joel fan but this album seems a bit lost. Perhaps because he was in love with a model? Perhaps he was due to have an average album, not a classic? Regardless I will say songs 1-4 are great, but after that the songs are so so. The album didn't seem as rocking, or inspired as his other works (at least to me). If you're not a fan of everything he does you may want to sample songs before buying the whole LP. I guess one can't expect every album to be of the quality of The Stranger, 52nd Street or Glass Houses?
  • Great Album Period

    By flabbadydoo
    Pay no attention to the lefty reviewer with his Reagan hang ups. (What does Reagan have to do with Baby Grand or any other song?). I loved this Album because it was so different from the all of his other 80's albums and harks back to his jazzier 70's works, which I always thought were some of his best. Billy Joel is a unique artist in that each album is really something new and not a retread of what has come before. This album has great lyrics and melodies performed by a top flight band and Joels vocals are as good as they always were. I don't mind the synthesizers ( I guess that is what makes it dated), but Running on Ice would sound better if it were piano, but that's a small thing. If you like Billy you will love this one too.
  • Great

    By JKtheKid
    The first three tracks of this album are as good as they get, especially "A Matter of Trust." Billy Joel at his finest.
  • just great

    By music.man2222
    underrated album - the bridge is yet another great addition to Billy Joel's outstanding collection.