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Title Artist Time


  • Callback to Scenes from an Italian Restaurant?

    By Onlyconnect
    Am I the only one that hears the piano trills toward the end of the song (high to low) as a sort of callback to Brenda and Eddie back from the 70s in Scenes from an Italian Restaurant? If so, I loved this. Loved this song even if not, really. It’s a lovely song!
  • Classic Billy Joel

    By WAMozart007
    Please please give us a new album…. Or Update your live MSG ALBUM. You are the Best!! From someone who majored in music education and classically trained, you have been my inspiration since 1974. No one today, 2024, makes music like you do. Sure there are good groups, soloists… etc…. But none like you or Elton. 😊
  • I missed this ❤️

    By Butterfly04005
    Masterfully written and sung. Billy is priceless. He’s always had a down to earth way of writing that doesn’t go over the head of us normies. So emotional over this and hoping that he’ll find it in his heart to make more.
  • A Beautiful Song for a Fading Era

    By Truitt65
    When I first heard Billy Joel’s “Turn the Lights Back On”, it stopped me cold. I wasn’t expecting a song performed by a magnificent singer in his 70s to so perfectly encapsulate the zeitgeist I’m living through at the moment. For me, it feels like the closing chapter of a beloved book, or the parting of a dear friend. To be clear, I feel this song perfectly captures the end of an era—the era we’re now living in which is rapidly coming to a close. Only a handful of songs can make me feel this way, among them “The Best of Times” by Styx, “The Last Resort” by The Eagles, "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" by Elton John, and “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke. Bravo, Billy Joel! You have created a true masterpiece!
  • Finally

    By Skinqueen17
    Love everything about this song! Finally, Billy is back!
  • SUPERB!!!

    By SarahSle
    I’m 52 and grew up on Billy. His music is ingrained in most of the history of my life. I’m honored to have grown up during his career and been able to incorporate it into my memories! Thank you! Listening to certain songs always brings back feelings! Mostly highly memorable! Some sad ….some happy….all a privledge to have heard!
  • Love at first listen 💕

    By GTena
    After hearing the story behind this song, my husband and I had to listen for ourselves. Wow! We both fell in love with it the first time we heard it. Beautiful
  • Pulled me in the first time I heard it

    By JBollman
    This song is absolutely beautiful. So glad to hear a new song from a true artist. This message really speaks to me.
  • Outstanding!

    By Sun City Mimi
    I have never been a huge Joel fan but this song is the greatest!
  • Worth the wait!

    By Rob2010camaro
    First time I heard this song, I fell in love. Classic. Nobody does it like Billy.