Prime Billy Joel
By harrymfa
This is the Piano Man at the top of his game. There are no fillers in this album, download the whole thing.
By Trust and Us
By jamesmccurdy1
This album of phony Motown-inspired pop drivel forced me right off the Billy Joel train back in 1983, and I never really got back on. Gone was the brilliant angry young man, replaced with a lovesick Frankie Valli wannabe, spewing out unoriginal pop love songs directed at a supermodel.
Joel had already disappointed me with the bland Nylon Curtain and this followup was thoroughly disappointing. Unoriginal, bubblegum and over-produced, the 14 year old in me said “adios” and to this day, whenever I hear that horrible “Uptown Girl” I reach for the dial to change the channel or mute the radio.
Every artist lays an egg, and this was a monster bomb.
My favorite Joel Album
By ScottWW1991
I got into Billy Joel about a year ago, with his Essential greatest hits album. Then, I started getting individual albums one by one. An Innocent Man is by far my favorite album of his, and one of my favorite albums, period. Start to finish, every song makes you want to dance and sing along, and he shows off his wide variety of genre ability and vocal pitch. The Longest Time is one of his best ever, and Christie Lee even ended up being one of my personal Billy Joel favorites, as well. Easy Money, This Night and Keeping The Faith are also my personal highlights, but every song is fantastic. If you like Billy Joel's unique style, you won't be disappointed.
Crossing Generations!
By Salsacr1
What was the year of Blockbuster Albums, billy Joel pulled of one of the greatest feats ever in music. He took an older generation, and introduced the young to a sound that led to his tribute to the Ed Sullivan Show, but also to the Doo Wop era, and the Vietnam War too. This was a great time in his life, and Uptown Girl was beautifully done too. This is one of the few albums that can be purchased today, and it still stands the test of time.
There's a reason everyone hates eighties Joel
By Fun on the go
SELLOUT!!! He really gets into the worst stage of his career in the eighties because he just becomes the blandest of the bland in order to sell albums. Lame.
the greatest album of his career
By vleon101
80s doowop billy joel is all i will listen to
Bobby Bee on Bill Joel and the Innocent Man lp
By Bobby Bee
Another one I own (what will I do when my albulms get here?), but I had to have it NOW in my Itunes discography (now @ 1624 cuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). This albulm was LANDMARK in every sense of the word! I bought it and though I'd loved Billy for awhile,THIS ONE made me buy it! Enjoy!!!
We'll Done
By ZSquareded
This is an excellent album. It is hard to top the stranger album but this is by-fare one of his best albums and is a definite yes to whether or not to purchase it.