
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • great album!

    By enchantedapple
    I just found this album and I have to say….this is such a great album! Track 2 is my favorite!!!!!
  • Feel love it!

    By yukkostar
    I'm huge fun of his new age music. Thanks God there is such as a great musician.
  • 'Dis is pertty kool

    By Mallaak'qik'al quak' aaa
    Da moosic makes ma' heart sing! (JK) It is pretty good spa music. This Kitaro dude is almost like Yanni, but Kitaro might be a little better. I listen to a whole bunch of new age music so I know what I'm talkin' 'bout. This music is really good to sleep to (not that it's boring), but it's really rellaxing.