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Title Artist Time


  • He’s still got it

    By Bam risk 177
    Great songwriting
  • Paul?

    By Brandon514
    Legend you are sir Paul. BUT, this record is terribly uninspired and borderline unlistenable at times. Sit down and write with your head again !
  • Listen all the way through

    By FromDayOne54
    We all age. Consider yourself lucky to still hear a master singer/songwriter. There is something there for everyone; lyrics, music and a story. Always something good from Sir Paul.
  • 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    By amandax345
    This is such a great album! He’s still got it!
  • No.

    By Tribarpony
    Why? He doesn’t need the money. Guess he wants to sell music but not THIS, Paul. John would tell you nothing should come to this Unless you get inspiration to write a song then don’t force it. This is forced noise knowing people will buy it. Sorta like the Stones releasing junk just to do it. Stop now until you get something good again This is an insult to those of us that think you are the most talented person in the world. Don’t let us down.
  • What?

    By Nurk Twin
    McCartney has only 3 true "solo" albums out since 1970? Wow, how does he pay the bills? This better be good itunes, getting us all excited over an LP that's yet to be released. Saw PM in 2017. The man played 3 hours straight with no break. Then 5 song encore. He's still got it..........
  • Yeah I agree!

    By The3rdL
    Just plain fun!..................Right on Paul!
  • Resting on Laurels

    By KiBiT™️
    Can do no wrong, says who?
  • Music still great, voice not shot

    By Xerxes the Pug
    Like all late-vintage McCartney albums, you can't just listen to this once and compare it unfavorably to his greatest work. When I first sampled McCartney III on iTunes before buying it, I thought it sounded a little disappointing—but of course I hadn't given it a fair chance. I finally bought McCartney a couple of days ago, and after about three listens, I'm hooked. I can also say that, of McCartney's three "solo" albums (McCartney, McCartney II, and McCartney III), this one is the best. The first two have moments of greatness, but they also have a lot of filler—unfinished sketches, as it were. McCartney III is a finished album of finished songs, and listeners can tell he worked hard on every track. Interestingly, reviewers who love this album tend to love different songs. In my opinion "Pretty Boys," "The Kiss of Venus," "Deep Down," and "Winter Bird/When Winter Comes" all stand up to any of McCartney's best work. That said, the fact that so many listeners have so many favorites testifies to McCartney's varied and universal appeal. Other reviewers have complained that McCartney's voice is "shot," but I disagree. He does sound older; he shakes and quivers a little more than he used to, but the voice is still there, and the voice is unmistakably Paul McCartney's. I actually like his voice these days; it has more character than ever. And let's face it. The guy is pushing 80. Who else from that era still makes such good records?
  • First McCartney Album I Don't Like!

    By BManC
    I have enjoyed all of Paul's albums until now! This album is just blah! It's so forgetable and doesn't evoke any of the creativity that Paul used to have. It is boring. I also dislike how so many people are giving this high ratings just because it's Paul McCartney, and that it was a 4 star album even before any music was released. You should not be able to leave a review for something that isn't even out yet!