Miss Kevin
By Zephar Lahteek
DuBrow missing still hurts QR , but I believe that this is a pretty good album .
All things considered Frankie is still a bad ass drummer and the rest of the boys hold their own . All in all I like it and think that it’s a solid record . Can’t quite understand all of the other haters , so I would pick this record up and listen to it for yourselves .
Good rock n roll .
By Joel stands
Good not great
By cbyrne7609
Is this Quiet Riot, or Paramore?
Nuff Said
By LOL Below Me
People can go on and on polishing their egos with elequent disertations about " bla bla bla"...but the bottom line is that this ISN'T metal...
Producer MAKES (or breaks) an Album
By the gypsysongman
There is A LOT to be said for what a good Producer brings to a project. (see the huge difference with AC/DC when comparing Powerage to Highway to Hell - Hail "Mutt" Lange!) While Metal Health had a raw vibe and a somewhat Garage Band feel to it, Condition Critical (my personal favorite QR LP) really brought to the forefront the power of the rhythm section of Rudy Sarzo & Frankie Banali thereby highlighting their contributions to QR without being dominate to the overall sound. It also brought Carlos Cavazo's work to the forefront without taking anything from Kevin DuBrow. On Hollywood Cowboys, the guitar is buried in the mix with the vocals audibly predominate and the drums being a close second. The overall album sound could be improved if it had been Produced and Mixed differently and thus the LP would have been better received.
By flatearth2019
with out the kevin they late singer it not the same
I have an Idea!
By Tavin Mc
I think if this is the S*#@ they are going to put out they should just rename the band QUIET!!!
Nuf Said!!!
Sorry but Not Good
By Hamwhipper
I don't remember ever listening to a band and feeling embarrassed. For them. For me. For music. As bland as bland can get.
What the!
By Papi Chulo G
Just don't. Nope. No.
My ears are bleeding
By Brian Touchette
Please no more