Solid Live Performance
By andrewc2491
First off: I am a 49 year old lifelong, intelligent, highly critical, and informed fan. My street cred consists of having first seen them in 1986 in a relatively small venue, and then attending almost every other Los Angeles gig since then. OK: here's my review: New Order have reinvented themselves, a la Joy Division-esque landscape, lighting, fit, form and function. If you don't understand what I've just written...then you simply don't understand the essence of what this band are about. But that's still OK! Come, listen, read, and join the present day insurrection! This/these particular live biscuits are a wonderful, unique cross-section laregly and heretofore unheard in live format; and intensely and professionally accomplished at that. "Ultraviolence", unless you are a proud possessor of certain early 80's New Order bootlegs, hasn't been recorded for posterity by The Band since until now. Nor, to my (re)collection has Joy Divisions' "Disorder"...accomplished here with the greatest of talent, precision and passion. Please keep in mind the intellectual and musical prowess and breadth that is involved here in this presentation of live perfomance! READ the booklet included, unless you are one such as to not know anything else that is occurring around you lest you remove your face that is buried in your cellphone! Attention everyone else: purchase this live performance with confidence, using all your senses. And then find a quiet, relaxing place, perhaps smoke something intense (other than crack or heroin), and then ease back in Grandpa's recliner, relax, close your eyes, and affix your headphones on for the EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE. Play it loud, from START TO FINISH. I challenge you to do so undistracted as such.