iTunes Originals: New Order - New Order

iTunes Originals: New Order

New Order

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2007-09-24
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 25

  • ℗ 2007 London Records 90 Ltd


Title Artist Time
iTunes Originals New Order 0:06
A Door Opening In a Darkened R New Order 1:29
Transmission (iTunes Originals New Order 3:42
The First Album "Movement" Was New Order 1:00
Dreams Never End New Order 3:11
That's One of the Legends Anyw New Order 1:17
Blue Monday New Order 7:27
Another One of Our Dance Rock New Order 0:55
Bizarre Love Triangle (iTunes New Order 4:45
It's Most Notable for the Qual New Order 0:17
The Perfect Kiss New Order 4:48
There Was No Great Plan New Order 0:18
Love Vigilantes (iTunes Origin New Order 4:12
We Don't Really Know What We'r New Order 0:30
True Faith New Order 5:49
Then It All Started Going Wron New Order 1:17
Round and Round New Order 4:29
"Run Wild" Is a Very Personal New Order 1:33
Run Wild (iTunes Originals Ver New Order 4:19
A Total Shock New Order 1:31
Regret New Order 4:08
People Like the New Numbers New Order 0:46
Waiting for the Sirens' Call ( New Order 5:22
I Find It Very Pleasurable New Order 1:01
Love Will Tear Us Apart (iTune New Order 4:01


  • A whole bunch of exclusives...

    By EkoExplosion51213
    Seems to me like almost half of what’s included is album exclusive, which kinda but not really makes sense to me. I mostly gave this review for the great songs New Order has placed on digital. Blue Monday will be an all-time fave.
  • Please don't sing Joy Division songs!

    By mrtew
    I love New Order and have for 30 years but I agree with the people that say please don't sing Joy Division songs, it sounds horrible and ruins them and you don't understand them. They're supposed to be mumbled in a low voice that sounds like you're about to kill yourself and when they're carefully enunciated octave or two higher by Bernie in a peppy happy high-school musical voice it make me want to! Hearing how inane they sound sung wrong makes me wonder if New Order's lyrics have really been that trite all these years or if it's just the daft way they're sung! Either way, New Order has MORE than enough of their own songs that sound GREAT without digging up Ian's classics.
  • I really am a Bernard Sumner fan.

    By NovaMan
    I heard some of the songs and had to get this. It is decent. An impulse buy. I don't mind the commentary. But, it would nice to have more songs. What, they play Joy Division? Oh no! New Order is a great group and I really like Electronic and Bad Lieutenant. But would I buy this again. Most likely not, but don't mind having this.
  • No comparison

    By The Gibbons
    Everything is here, except the one thing that will never be here again. And that's why NO covering JD sounds off.
  • lotta geniuses here

    By bob bobblaw
    a lot of long-winded 30-year-olds here; just relax and enjoy it, kids . . . . .
  • Great for NO fans

    By Izzy472
    Most of the songs on here are great, and it is worth buying this "iTunes Originals". I definitely don't agree with the people who are bashing NO's version of Love Will Tear Us Apart. This is one of my favorite songs of all time....and while Ian Curtis is the original and the best.... I think NO does a very good remake of it. As another review said, it's not meant to sound the same as the original, it's meant as a tribute to Ian Curtis. Of course they have every right to remake it, since they ARE the surviving members of Joy Divison, and they had a part in the original version. I'm so happy to see all the NO videos that were recently added. I was on iTunes just last week, and there were still only two. Thank you iTunes for adding more!!! True Faith is a strange, funny and great video. Still one of my faves! Even my kids like NO music, and love the True Faith video too. I'm talking 15 year olds here, who complain about most of the music I listen to. But they actually ask me if they can listen to NO. I think that says a lot about how great of a band NO really is, and how well they've stood the test of time! All that being said, I'm still waiting for Joy Division's Substance 1977 and New Order's Substance 1987 to be added to iTunes. Yep. Still waiting.

    By SUMNER78
    These songs are very good and they sound good live also, NO is a incredible band and I buy everything by them, this was a good surprise for me when Itunes released it, it is very sad that they broke up, can't wait fot the BL, FREEBASS and the left overs from the WFTSC sessions to come out, NO FOREVER.
  • wowowowowow

    By chrisskate9
    great songs from one of the greatest bands of all time. this is definitely worth the money and transmission is a great remake of a classic Joy Division song. carry on the tradition NEW ORDER ROCKS. RIP Ian Curtis
  • New Order at their best....

    By sunburntbrain
    I loved this selection. I'm a huge fan of Joy Division and New Order. This brought all of it together for me. The new recordings are incredible and while NO is not Joy Division, I see no problem of a band covering a song for which all of them had a great part in. Ian is dead, and that's sad, but New Order lived though the years and went on to create awesome music. I think you can love both... Why do you have to choose sides... It's all good.
  • Good stuff

    By Langer777
    nice sounds, always looking for something new