Finally but ......
By The Knife 6
It's great to finally have these sets of the Fleetwood Mac early days especially if you like Danny Kirwan , this one , Future Games , and Bare Trees all that feature Kirwan are finally on here courtesy of Rhino entertainment, along with the post Kirwan , Bob Welch era , of the band . Hearing Station Man on here is incredible and Jeremy Spencer's last album with the band is also his best songs ever . BUT , and I Stress on this BUT!!! , where is " Then Play On ? The last album with Peter Green that rhino released on cd a couple of years ago with bonus tracks . And furthermore "BUT!!!" Where are the bonus tracks on here and the others like " Dragonfly" , "Purple Dancer" , and " Trinity" ?( which the latter would either be on Future Games or Bare Trees) . But it is nice to finally have these available for iTunes .