An album fitting for all moods
By la1t1
One of my top all time 10 favorite albums., exquisite yet timeless.
A Great LP
By Nurk Twin
I have this double LP on vinyl and it's so nice to listen to. Well performed and recorded. On the binder is has $15.98 printed. Quite a price for 41 years ago. worthit.
By Trust and Us
Love it
By night nick
I simply love this song. I can not get enough of it. Check out the video sister of the moon 1975 live it is amazing.
From Nicky
Mellow and Hypnotic
By music city citizen
Some really mellow and hypnotic songs on this album. I had heard that this was Buckingham's baby, this album. If you like Beach Boys type slow harmony, stacked vocals, and some real cool chords, check out these tunes: Over & Over, That's All For Everyone, Brown Eyes, Never Make Me Cry, Honey Hi, Beautiful Child, Walk a Thin Line, and Never Forget. The other songs are good too, but those are the ones that put you in a trance, because they are all in a certain mood. Just my opinion.
Pure Genius
By stflora
This is in my opinion Fleetwood Mac at their creative peak. There is just nothing else like this album to date. It's a complete original and showcases some of Stevie, Christine, and Lindsey's best songwriting. Storms is by far one of Stevie's best songs and incredibly underrated. What Makes You Think You're the One does an amazing job of taming all of Lindsey's bizarre musical ideas into probably his most "accessible" song on this album. Christine opens and closes the album beautifully, with her soft voice taking off some of the edge from the otherwise rather abrasive sound of this record. Tusk and The Ledge both do a great job of showcasing their group chemistry and harmonic abilities as singers. Mick's drumming on Tusk is also really something to behold. It's some of the best of his career. Overall, this album was not only wonderful, but incredibly ahead of its time.
Favorite songs:
What Makes You Think You're the One
The Ledge
Sisters of the Moon
I Know I'm Not Wrong
Over & Over
Honey Hi
Least favorite:
That's All for Everyone (still a good song, but it feels like Lindsey's just trying a little too hard to sound odd. It just doesn't feel natural.)
By musicfish
Back in the day when this album first came out I hated it! But after a another listen after all these years I realise it was a very under rated masterpiece! Maybe it was to ahead of it's time back then. Lots of very sweet tunes on this. Christine and Stevie were great on this.Hard to come by good music today especially of this calibur!